Briefly formulated are the details of the mechanism of interaction of matter (substance) with dark matter, the status of which in the new (additional) -physics of the “outside” of the light cone is determined by the force of gravity during the transition of dark energy to the state of the dark matter, when the acceleration is above the critical
Key words: -decay; topological quantum transition;
-orthopositronium; long-range action atom — rigid body; dark matter/dark energy; phenomenology of the Theory of Everything.
Material point. The structure and dynamics of matter (substance).
Wikipedia, September 2, 2019 (translated from Russian):
A material point (particle) is a body with mass, whose size, shape, rotation and internal structure can be neglected in the conditions of the problem under study. It is the simplest physical model in mechanics.
The material point is the basis of the mathematical description of matter in the modern Standard Model of elementary particles (quantum field theory/QFT — in stagnation since the mid-1970s), which is realized by partial differential equations (Lagrangian formalism and Hamiltonian method).
Rigit body.
The structure and dynamics of dark matter (vacuum-like state of substance).
Wikipedia, July 3, 2019 (translated from Russian):
A rigid body is the second supporting object of mechanics along with a material point. The mechanics of a rigid body are completely reducible to the mechanics of material points (with superimposed connections), but have their own content (useful concepts and relations that can be formulated within the framework of a model of a rigid body), which is of great theoretical and practical interest.
Strictly speaking, rigid bodies do not exist in nature, however, in very few cases, when the deformation of the body is small and can be neglected, a real body can (approximately) be considered as a rigid body without prejudice to the solution of the problem.
In the framework of relativistic mechanics, the concept of a rigid body is internally contradictory, which shows, in particular, the Ehrenfest paradox. In other words, the model of a rigid body is not applicable to the case of fast movements (comparable in speed to the speed of light), as well as to the case of very strong gravitational fields.
A fundamentally new way of fundamental physics, based on experimental results on the observation of annihilation anomalies of -decay positrons in the system “22Na — gaseous neon of natural isotopic composition (~ 9% 22Ne)”, obtained in several famous laboratories
statements about the absence of a rigid body/RB in nature and about and the internal inconsistency of this concept within the framework of relativistic mechanics become destructive with respect to the development of the modern Standard Model/SM.
In this case, the Ehrenfest paradox is overcome by the stochastic nature of the dynamics of the formation of a two-digit (±) space-like object (atom long-range action/ALRA of the Planck mass ) in the final state of the topological quantum transition/TQT in the
-decay of nuclei the type
(22Na, 64Cu, 68Ga, etc.), when at each step Δ of the formation of the unit cell ALRA (
with core
) for the Planck time
s, the direction of the next step changes unpredictably, and the total time tALRA of the formation ALRA is
s. (*)
It must be emphasized that in SM (“inside” the light cone) it is accepted (default) that Planck mass corresponds to Planck time.
In the new (additional) -physics “outside” the light cone, the above estimate justifies the accepted phenomenological model of ALRA
is filled with the total mass of stable ingredients of matter (
— quasiparticles with masses of proton, electron, neutrino). In this case, the Planck constant
and the speed of light
a two-valued, since the vacuum-like state of the matter/VSM (+MPl) in the ALRA is compensated by the looking glass (—MPl), and
, as an objective (analog) formalization of the physical observer, oscillates between these two substates of the ALRA.
Indeed, the formation time of the ALRA structure is determined by the time of filling each of the nodes with a virtual
“pair”, the absolute mass value of which is exactly
equal to the mass of the proton-antiproton pair
s. This is half the tALRA estimate above. But we must take into account that ALRA is two-digit vacuum structure, the ingredients of which with opposite signs of mass in the gravitational field (G > 0) diverge in opposite directions, i.e.
it is as only a “shadow”
. This means that the estimate of the formation time of the ALRA structure changes qualitatively and quantitatively — instead
, a twice as high estimate is implemented, which coincides with (*):
This result is a strong argument in favor of the developed phenomenology of the paradoxical realization of the Mossbauer Effect in the system “22Na/3+/ — gaseous neon (22Ne/2+/) of natural isotopic composition (~ 9% 22Ne)” and the space-like structure ALRA.
The stochastic dynamics of ALRA is also supported by analysis and resolution of the following apparent contradiction.
The formation of a two-digit ALRA structure is a consequence of TQT in the final state — -decay type
. This means that the total spin of the ALRA is 1. But this is a vacuum structure, the spin of which 0. A contradiction arises: indeed, it would seem that the compensating looking glass behind the mirror should have a spin — 1.
Nevertheless, there is no contradiction, since the design (VSM/+/ \ through the looking glass /—/) is implemented as a single inseparable object. In SM, such interactions are impossible: two fundamental particles (points like — timelike) with quantum numbers of opposite signs, including their masses, instantly fly apart.
The state of two mutually compensating components of a structured macroscopic space-like object is stable for symmetry reasons.
Generated in the final state of -decay, they cannot scatter along a linear trajectory and mutual repulsion is realized in mutual chaotic rotation and, if we postulate a random wandering of the looking glass in tree-dimensional space with the speed |V| = c (c is the speed of light) with respect to the ground laboratory (physical observer), then with a favorable ratio of the wandering step Δ (and time Δ/с) to the lifetime TPs\ TPs`, the spin value averaged over time for the physical observer equals 0
Here is the first to determine the basis for postulating the status of a physical observer in relativistic quantum theory and the expansion of SM means the inclusion of an anthropic principle in the structure of fundamental theory.
All of the above is justified in the context of dark matter/dark energy
On the interaction of matter with dark matter (vacuum-like state of matter).
The main word of physics is interaction.
In SM, the question of the interaction of matter (substance) with dark matter is not posed, since there is no generally accepted under standing of the nature of dark matter/dark energy.
SM operates with four interactions between particles of matter (substance):
gravitational interaction exists between any particles of matter having mass (in context under consideration, also the vacuum-like state of matter with a positive mass having a compensating ingredient of negative mass); its radius is not limited , constant
electromagnetic interaction — between particles having an electric (magnetic) charge, its radius is not limited , constant
weak interaction, its radius rw ~10—16cm, constant (
erg ∙ cm3 — Fermi constant);
strong interaction, its radius rs ~10—13cm, constant .
Interaction constants determine their strength.
In SM, electromagnetic and weak interactions at high energies are combined into electroweak interactions with constant .
Anomalies of the annihilation of -decay positrons (
-orthopositronium) in the system “22Na/3+/ — gaseous neon (22Ne/2+/) of natural isotopic composition (~ 9% 22Ne)” and their justification in a new (additional) physics expanding SM, is the first example of the effective interaction of matter (substance) from gas phases with VSM / ALRA (with the ALRA ingredient of positive mass).
In the final state -decay of the indicated type, in gravitational field of the ground laboratory during the lifetime
with opposite in sign charges of strong (baryon charge) and electromagnetic (electric charge) interactions diverge vertically by a distance of
cm >>
. This means that during this time a baryon (proton) charge becomes available at each node of the solid-state lattice of the vacuum-like state of the ALRA substance for interaction with the baryon charges of matter (substance) from the gas phase, since the compensating ALRA lattice (behind the looking glass with negative mass) neutralizes Coulomb barrier (unlimited radii of gravitational and electromagnetic interactions — rG, rem). For the time of life,
-orthopositronium forms a rigid body.
The generalized description of all physical interactions (phenomenology) is outlined — Theory of Everything — by expanding the Hamiltonian method: complementing the dynamics of Hamiltonian equations with the dynamics of the Hamiltonian graph (Hamiltonian chain / Hamiltonian cycle).
The presented mechanism of the effective interaction of matter (substance) from the gas phase with ALRA (with the vacuum-like state of matter) [1] means the introduction into physics of a fundamental interaction of a fundamentally new type, the force constant of which will be determined in subsequent work.
The theoretical foundations of the presented phenomenology and forthcoming work — the new way of PHYSICS — are anticipated by E. Majorana (1937), as indicated in [2,3].
- Levin B.M. Atom of Long-Range Action Instead of Counter-Productive Tachyon Phenomenology. Decisive Experiment of the New (Additional) Phenomenology Outside of the Light Cone. Progress in Physics, v.13(1), p.p.11-17, 2017; Levin B.M. Half-Century History of the Project of New (Additional)
-Physics, Progress in Physics, v.13(1), p.p.18-21, 2017.
- Levin B.M. On the Supersymmetry Realization of Involving
-Orthopositronium. Phenomenology. Progress in Physics, v.14 (4), p.p.230-232, 2018.
- Levin B.M. To the Theory of Everything. Phenomenology. SCIENCE XXI CENTURY, p.p.
8-13, August, 2019.